Be Creative
Nothing is better than taking time to be creative.
Creativity comes in all kinds of forms. It can be writing in a journal, re-arranging furniture, drawing, painting, arranging flowers, solving a problem, or cooking a great meal. We all are creative in our own ways.
In our world, so much has been made easy for us. We press a button, turn on a switch, ask Google for an answer. Technology and the conveniences of the modern world often suck the need to be creative out of us. It is makes us lazy, diminishing the need to be creative.
On a snowy day with children home from school, consider not plugging them in front of the television or letting them play video games. Give them paper and markers, encourage them to build a fort out of blankets and chairs, send them outside to build a snowman or woman or a snow dog or monster. Make cookies and let them decorate them.
Make something.
Change something.
Alter something.
Much of what we do is automatic. We get up in the morning and our days begin, almost on auto-pilot. Then, we get up the next day and do it all over again. Try to make a conscious effort to do something you have never done before. Make something. Change something. Alter something. The feeling that comes from conscious creativity can be very rewarding, satisfying and quite possibly will bring a smile to your face. Don’t over think it.